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"Pigfarts, pigfarts, here I come. Pigfarts, pigfarts, yum yum yum"

The masterpiece of A very Potter musical (Min, Moas, Claras och Heddas besathet)

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3 kommentarer:

  1. Citatet som passar Amanda så perfekt så det finns inte: "Don't make me laugh! I'm pissing!!!"

  2. hahahaha helt rätt Clara!

    I'm tired! Cant we just be death eathers already?!

    Severus Snape is the nicest, bravest , sexiest man I know!

    You might think killing people makes them happy, but it doesnt! it just makes people dead!

    So many regrets! Im dead.

    Now two people are mad at me!

    What the hell is a hufflepuff?!

    Voldemort out, bitches!

    Malfoy you little shit!

    I love you all...excepr for you Malfoy, I cant fucking stand you.

    I want Hermione Granger.....AND A ROCKETSHIP!

    It's just like, I cant get her out of my head. And every time I've looked at her I have these pains in my chest and I just know that its her fault, THAT BITCH!

    What the devil is going on heeeeeeeeere?

    I'm miserable!

    ...jag har inget liv va?:p

  3. Ni är båda taskiga mot mig :( men vi är alla galna och inte riktigt kolka i A very potter musical :P fair enough.. ^^
